WHO version 0.004 release 2 (beta)

WHO version 0.004 release 2 (beta)

copyright by Patrick Schulte


via InterNet at gl149@appl2.hrz.uni-siegen.de or via Fidonet: Patrick Schulte@2:2457/440.0
To get the newest version, write a email or filerequest by Fido©compatible mailer.

operating systems:

At this moment WHO© is available for OS/2.

how to install:

You have to add the following line to your config.sys:
(where x is the drive and path is the directory who.dat will be written)


Who is a small and very useful program to manage your addresses. From now the following data entries are supported:

How to use (?) :

who.exe [parameter] [parameter_option]
All parameters are casesensitive!!!
You can use the following parameters now:
-n add new entry
-v view all entries
-l list all entries
-s [what_to_search_for]
search for [what_to_search_for]
you can enter any part of first- or lastname (not case sensitive!)
-p print telephonelist
-b [days]
who will celebrate his birth in next [days] days?
will start who in sort mode. you can chose between
-> sorting by firstname
-> sorting by lastname
-> sorting by zipcode
-> sorting by cityname
caution: parameters are case sensitive !

parameters while viewing (same as F1) :

-> goto next entry

-> goto last entry
-> edit actual entry
-> insert new entry
-> delete entry
-> goto first entry
-> goto last entry
F 5
-> print out actuell entry in brief
F 6
-> goto sort menu
F 7
-> search new string
ALT - F 7
-> search again
F 8
-> browse
F 9
-> info about WhO
-> end WHO©

suggestions for the future:

  • search-util for the OS/2 - PM (that will not be available for WIN, or any other "operating system" from MS©)
    written with Virtual Pascal Version 1.0
    Copyright © 1995 B&M&T Corporation


  • IBM is a U.S. registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation
  • OS/2 is a trademark of IBM Corporation
  • Microsoft is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  • Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
  • All other trademarks are owned by their respective companies.